One of the never-ending struggles at Howell Farm is between hungry squirrels and mice and those who would protect the farm's feed corn. Today, once again, the farmers are adding more wire mesh to fortify the corn crib. Intern Virginia commented that the corn probably won't be safe until the corn crib becomes a solid steel box. Efforts to teach the animals to read the sign continue to be unsuccessful.
According to the most recent report from the New Jersey State Climatologist, October 2013 ranked as the 20th warmest since record keeping began in 1895. In terms of precipitation, the northern half of the state was quite dry for October (the fifth driest on record) but the southern half of the state received average precipitation. All in all, the past month felt relatively tranquil compared to the weather calamities of the previous two Octobers.
The barnyard's new windmill is now sunk in concrete footings, meaning the support lines and caution tapes can soon come down. Eventually, the windmill will be connected to the farm's well, pumping water when the wind blows.
For the first time in three years, the end of October passed through New Jersey without a noteworthy weather event. Two years ago it was a major snowstorm--the worst October snowstorm in New Jersey history--that brought down trees still laden with leaves. Last year it was Superstorm Sandy, probably the worst storm to ever hit the state. This year October ended quietly, although today, November 1, brought some torrential rain and wind gusts up to 45 MPH.
The Furrow is the online newsletter of The Friends of Howell Living History Farm. We will be updating this site about once a week with crop reports and other insights into life on a horse-drawn living history farm. Archives
June 2015
THE FURROW: The online newsletter of Howell Living History Farm |