At Howell Farm, a warm, relatively dry March has allowed early season farm work to progress full steam ahead. In Titusville, the forecast for the next week call for highs of 71, 70, 68, 74, 73, 80 and 82.
Here’s a rundown of some farming activities and other observations since Saturday.
On Saturday, before a visit from the horse doctor, the farmers took out the big scale to weigh the livestock. Here are the results:
Draft Horses
Jack: 1775 pounds
Chester: 1587 pound
Tom: 1385 pounds
Jebb: 1390 pounds
Bill: 1740 pounds
Jess: 1650 pounds
Star: 350 pounds (6 months old)
Stripe: 415 pounds (7 months old)
Daisy: 1190 pounds (due with second calf in June)
Star and Stripe accomplished their first useful work, hauling a bale of hay from the ox barn to the pasture for the cows.
Farmer Gary seeded a wheat field with white clover, a cover crop that will help fix nitrogen in the soil and suppress weeds. The clover will also help protect the soil from erosion after the wheat is harvested. Rain is expected overnight to help the seeds germinate.
The spring peepers (local frogs) are peeping very, very loudly this year. The flies are also out in number.